时间:2012/10/19  作者:本协会  浏览次数:4307



      Laozhengxing Restaurant was opened in 1862 by Zhu Zhenben and Cai Renxing,two natives of Zhejiang Province. Originally it was named "Zhengxing Restaurant". Later as too many restaurants adopted this name,its name was changed into "Laozhengxing". This restaurant was regarded as "Tongzhi Branch". In its prime time,"Laozhengxing"had more than 200 branches. But only "Donghao Branch" is still in operation today.
  In 1999,Laozhengxing was removed into a six -storied building at 556 Fuzhou Road.Snacks are provided on the first floor. On the second and third floors are canteens. On the fourth and fifth floors are guest rooms. Thus Laozhengxing stepped into a new phase of development.
  In different seasons Laozhengxing provides different dishes. In spring you can taste fishes. In summer shrimps are frequently seen there. In autumn come delicious crabs. In winter the famous herring dishes make appearance.
  In the early period of the 1950s,the government leaders Zhou Enlai,Chen Yi,Song Qingling,etc.all went to Laozhengxing to taste the herring dishes there. ZhouEnlai entertained important guests at banquets in Laozhengxing twice.After tasting many delicious dishes there.Zhou Enlai offered his high praise:"The dishes of Laozhengxing are unique.You should keep cooking such delicous dishes."
  Nowadays,people tend to eat more vegetables than meats. Among the various kinds of meats,people prefer aquatic products to four-legged animals. Laozhengxing has been focusing on aquatic products on a consistent basis. Chen Jiguan,president of Laozhengxing Restaurant indicated that in spite of the fast changes in people’s taste,Laozhengxing would continue to stick to its ow style.
  As it is autumn now ,Laozhengxing has prepared sufficient crab dishes for you . Why not go there to have a try?

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