时间:2008/2/19 17:04:04  作者:佚名  浏览次数:659




  Shanghai Caiyuan Hotel is located in Zhujiajiao,the ancient town in qingpu district.It"s only thirty minutes"ride from urban district. It"s next to No.318 National route. Sheshan Scenery is in its south. On its west is Dianshan Lake Beauty spot, It has the superior position and very convenient travelling. It"s close to the sights in our ancient town,like Freeing Captive Animals Bridge, Ming & Qing Dynasty Style Street and the Lecture And Growing Garden. It is said "resting the head on the small bridge, listening to the flowing Water".

  Our hotel covers a total area of 13,340m2"It"s a quiet and secluded place.It has green lawn,flowers and trees all around it Inside it you"ll feel like another world quite different from this world.Our hotel is equipped with central air-condition system. It has 61 standard guest rooms and three-person rooms ; 2 presidential suites.It also has five meeting rooms of different size.Our restaurant can seat 380 people at a time.It has a ball-room,bowling hall ,sauna bathroom,hair-dressing.room and chess room. It"s really an ideal place for conference,business,travelling. wedding dinner and recreation at leisure.

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