时间:2008/2/19 17:03:56  作者:佚名  浏览次数:852



  珍鼎公司在核心管理人员中配置了来自世界五百强企业的富有实际经验的优秀人才,并引进了食品行业最先进的GMP和HACCP管理用于生产过程控制,并通过了全球最著名的SGS的HACCP(危害分析及关键控制点)体系认证; 原料放心认可系统; 生产过程全程监控系统; 产品留样系统;异物控制系统; 鼠害控制系统; 提供第三方责任险等一系列核心流程的严格管理。现在人们有权利期望所食用的食品是安全的,食源性疾病和食源性损伤是人所不愿的,食品的腐败不仅造成浪费,也会带来一些其它后果。


  Shanghai Tripod Co.,Ltd is a professional food processing center which is registered in Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, providing meal service for employees of enterprises and institutions.

  Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone is a state-level development zone, with more than 6,000 registered enterprises and nearly 80,000 employees. The opening of Tripod Catering Service has greatly relieved the difficulties in meal access for all enterprises.

  Tripod Catering Centre, which was heavily invested by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Development Co.,Ltd has a modernized central kitchen covering 2,000㎡,and also 2,000㎡ of canteen, self-service cafeteria and cafe with modern sense. Tripod Centering Centre is the outcome of the professional design, and has acquired the first hot-chain meal permit issued by the hygiene authorities of Shanghai. Tripod has the capability of producing 30,000 staff meal in a day, 90% of which can be delivered to enterprises and institutions by the professional hot-chain system.

  The goal of Tripod is “to deliver hygienic, delicious and worthwhile working meal with high standard and advanced management”. Therefore, excellent and experienced talents have been included in the core management of the company, and the most advanced GMP and HACCP in food industry were introduced in the strict management of a series of core processes, including manufacturing process control, raw material safety system, manufacturing process supervising system, product sampling system, accident control system, and rat prevention system, in order to meet the customers’needs of safe eating and gratifying eating.Tripod is the advocate and publicist of the new concept in the staff meal for enterprises and institutions, capable of providing comprehensive service ranging from operating team, providing meal to improving the catering equipment.

  Mostly service:

  It is a great honor for Tripod to serve the enterprises and institutions!

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主办:上海市餐饮烹饪行业协会    地址:上海市黄浦区延安东路59号710室   邮编:200002
电话:021-63212096    传真:021-63232732    Email:srca88@163.com
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