时间:2008/2/19 17:02:12  作者:佚名  浏览次数:1529











  Shanghai Haiguang Aquatic Frozen Company s a leading aquatic products manufacturing enterprise of shanghai Haiguang Enterprises Group.Located in Zhelin Town Fengxian District on the north bank of Hangzhou Bay It has a raw material base of 8000 mu(aquiculture bases for varied prawns Including South American white prawn)and a processing base of 12,000 sqm.It currently has 380 employees 20% of whom are specialized technical personnel its fixed assets amount to RMB2350 mill, including 8 sets Of fast freezing machine(with a daily capacity of 30 tons).a cold storage of 1000 tons.1500 sqm of closed processing workshops in compliance wth the EU requirements as well as imported and domestic equipments(Tunnel-shaped I.Q.F machine,hig-precision vacuum packaging machine imported form Japan, metal detector for quality control,stainless steel processing devices and testing equipment in compliance with the requirements for import and export).

  The factory started its production in 1987, and enjoys nearly twenty years of experience in the aquatic product business. It is the earliest and largest export-oriented enterprise in the region of East China, with great technical strengths. It’s annual sales of aquatic product amounts to 1,500 tons, and it’s products (vacuum-pack6d shelled prawn, vacuum-pack6d headless prawn, vacuum-packed prawn with tail, vacuum-packed buttery prawn, I.Q.F shelled prawn, I.Q.F headless prawn, I.Q.F head-on prawn, I.Q.F prawn with tail, I.Q.F butterfly prawn, I.Q.F shelled prawn, I.Q.F head-on prawn, I.Q.F headless prawn, I.Q.F prawn with tai1, I.Q.F butterfly prawn) are marketed to US, Japan, EU and Southeast Asia, as well as domestic supermarkets, large wholesale markets, and for group consumption ant etc. Organizational structure:

  Marketing Dept. R&D Dept, Production Dept., Financial Dept., Administrative Dept., General Office.

  Quality guideline: TO continuously provide customers with qualified and safe products.

  Quality objective: 1 00% Of product safety rate

  The enterprise has been certified by:

  (1)ISO 9001 f 2000 Certificate

  (2) Shanghai Agricultural Product Certification Center as esafe, hygienic and qua1ity product

  (3) It is currently implementing the certification Of HACCP System

  Under the leadership of the Group Company it has focused on customers, with advanced t6chnical support, to develop safe and clean green aquatic products for the satisfaction of consumers Corporate cu1turef Unify Hardworking, Efficiency Satisfaction.

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